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simple weather app, where you can request weather data of a given city name (html, css, javascript)
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Simple web calculator with html, css, javascript. Enter any number, use few operators and some extras by clicking buttons to proceed mathematical operations.
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An OOP exercise for OOP in Python - The MusicPlayer from MusicPlayer OOP Exercise (has functionalities like add Tracks, play, next, previous, stop, output a Track-list. Tracks have a title, an artist and an album) refactored with Python
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Very simple web calculator with html, css, javascript. Enter two numbers and click a button to add them and show the result.
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A fuzzy python program that uses fuzzywuzzy and pandas to compares selected strings in two different dataframes (imported as csv) about their similarity (if no exact match possible) and prints the results #TheLevenshteinDistance #fuzzywuzzy #pandas
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Intro Exercises for DOM Manipulation - from: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Client-side_web_APIs/Manipulating_documents
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An OOP exercise for OOP in JavaScript - A MusicPlayer has functionalities like add Tracks, play, next, previous, stop, output a Track-list. Tracks have a title, an artist and an album.
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An OOP exercise for OOP in JavaScript - A bank that has customers, customers have a bank account. Customers can deposit and withdrawn from their account.
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Some JavaScript function exercises
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My static clone of the Bootstrap Freelancer Homepage (landing page) no logic, no JavaScript
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My static Twitter Clone (landing page) no logic, no JavaScript