Explore projects
simple weather app, where you can request weather data of a given city name (html, css, javascript)
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Simple web calculator with html, css, javascript. Enter any number, use few operators and some extras by clicking buttons to proceed mathematical operations.
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An OOP exercise for OOP in JavaScript - A MusicPlayer has functionalities like add Tracks, play, next, previous, stop, output a Track-list. Tracks have a title, an artist and an album.
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An OOP exercise for OOP in JavaScript - A bank that has customers, customers have a bank account. Customers can deposit and withdrawn from their account.
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Some JavaScript function exercises
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Full Stack Final Project application. The main goal of this application, is for the Teachers of Propulsion Academy, to save time and have a quick overview of the student's progressions.
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Tech stack: Html, Css, Bootstrap, Vanilla JS, Slick carousel.
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My solutions for algorithm exercises taken from https://www.freecodecamp.org